
WORK HORSES The Eels Premier Team Performed Herculean Task 5 Games at The USPHL Tampa Showcase

One Word : Incredible.  Wow the Eels Premier team came to play. And that they did. In game one they took on the Fort Wayne Spacemen who are in 1st place in the Midwest East. The Eels outshot them 38 to 15 but got stoned by their hot new goalie Maxim Zinchenko. The Eels had to settle for a 3-2 loss.

The Eels returned the next day and took on the Minnesota Blue Ox In this game  the Eels were back in form and pounded 49 shots and scored 11 goals only giving up 1 in that contest.  The Eels were in their familiar grove in dismantling their opponents. The Guys were flying up ice shot after shot and when the Ox gain possession the Eels smothered their players and suffocated any attack. The Eels were making a statement and letting all know what they truly can do.

In game 3 the Eels downed the Toledo Cherokee 6-3. The Eels unloaded for another 30 shots on net. This was an impressive win as Toledo is in 1st place in the Great Lakes Division. This was a tough game. Hard fought in all 3 zones. But in the end the Eels training, fortitude, determination and skill-set thawed any counter attack.

In game 4 the Eels took on the well respected Chicago Cougars. They expected a tough outing as the Cougars have been at the top of their Division for close to a decade. In fact, the Cougars  have made an appearance for 10 years at Nationals. A very well coached team and highly respected by the Eels. Well the Eels once again turned on the jets and their high octane offense went into gear unleashing 50 shots and scoring 8 goals and allowing a stingy 2. The Cougars did not quit. But the Eels had too much fire power and a solid defense to shut things down.

This indeed showcased their talents and skill set before a dozen coaches present and many on HockeyTV. The Eels had one more to play. Yes a 5th game and this was a daunting task It was 3 games in about 18 hours. Quite tough for any team. It was against one of the top teams in the league: The Metro Jets. Unfortunately it was too much for a tired squad. The Eels stumbled and lost 5-2.  But the coaches and staff were and are very proud of our guys. They laid every thing they had on the ice. But when you are out of gas you are out of gas. But they played gallantly and we will chalk this one up for experience

All in all it was a great weekend. We played 5 different teams and very good ones at that. The showcase was run extremely well and it was well by attended scouts and parents.

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