
USPHL Reaffirms Commitment To 2020-21 Season

USPHL Reaffirms Commitment To 2020-21 Season 

By USPHL Staff, 11/11/20, 9:00AM EST

By USPHL Staff


The United States Premier Hockey League is committed to completing the 2020-21 season and will do so while working within State and Federal Guidelines to ensure the safest hockey environment possible for its players, coaches, and spectators.


The USPHL Board of Governors will undertake a series of virtual meetings in January to review further adjustments to the USPHL’s division schedules, including the possibility of extending the season to ensure the completion of the season.


About The USPHL


The United States Premier Hockey League of 2020-21 is the nation’s largest amateur ice hockey league and the only league to span the continental United States and parts of Canada. The USPHL will field approximately 550 teams representing over 100 organizations comprised of 11,000 players spanning the ages of 6 through 20.


Overall, across all its divisions, the USPHL had more than 1,200 alumni playing college hockey in 2019-20 and more than 250 playing pro hockey, including in the NHL.

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