
The Florida Eels Ink Another Top Russian Veteran 1999 Defensemen 6’0 175 Pound Georgi Samodelkin fromMoskva, RUSSIA

GM Scarpaci says Samodelkin is an experience veteran defensemen who played for the Kalkaska Rhinos for 2 seasons. Last season in 34 games he had 7 goals and 15 assists. Three years ago he played forBelye Medvedi Moskva U17. He was a dominate player for Kalkaska and will be another major asset to the Eels solid defensive corp.GM Scarpaci says he recruited Samodelkin for several years and he is very pleased with his signing.


Premier Coach Frank Scarpaci notes Georgi is a very good two way defensemen. Very solid in the D-Zone. Smart and very intelligent. He is also extremely explosive offensively. A consummate threat on the offensive blueline who can definitely put the puck in the  net. He will be a major impact player for the Eels…He is a smooth skater and is very difficult to play against.”

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