
The Florida Eels are excited to announce that Troy Andrews has committed to New England College for the Fall of 2022.

Andrews marks 305th college advancement  to college who played for the Eels program. That is indeed impressive.  So far this season from our Premier and Elite teams we have moved 5 players to college.

The Florida Eels are excited to announce that Troy Andrews has committed to New England College for the Fall of 2022. 


Andrews, a 2001 RW from Etobicoke, ON,  Canada joined the Florida Eels mid-season. He stated playing this season for the Potomac Patriots. I must say they did a remarkable job in developing Andrews into a solid player. At Potomac in 37 games he scored 11 goals and notched 29 assists. For the Eels in 5 games, he tallied 4 goals and 8 assists.  Moreover, in playoffs for the Eels in 5 games he scored 5 goals and 2 assist. 


He is a clutch player. Comes through in key games and situations. For both the Patriots and the Eels had had 2 game winning goals this season for a total of 4.  He is fast and has excellent skill set. A very shifty player and has a nose for the net. He is fun to watch and a pleasure to coach. He was a very valuable member of the Eels Premier team in their final stretch at the Regular season, the playoffs, and Nationals. 


Troy is very excited about heading to New England College and playing for coach Tom Carroll. He is a very experienced coach with proven track record. The Eels have had several of its alumni advance on to NEC. The NEC Pilgrims have done quite well on the scoreboard and Troy will be the type of player who will have an impact in their program.   Troy had several opportunities amongst the colleges teams but felt NEC was his best fit. Both from an academic and hockey perspective. Moreover, playing in New England where it is a hockey bed really intrigued him. And attending school in New England which is a foundation in education was a no brainer. 


Andrews marks 305th college advancement  to college who played for the Eels program. That is indeed impressive.  So far this season from our Premier and Elite teams we have moved 5 players to college. 


We wish Troy the very best. He is a high character individual. He has all the intangibles to do it right. Determination and commitment and realizes that College Hockey means college first. We know he will make us proud. 

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