

Parents and Players
Many of you have asked when the players are allowed to return home for the holidays

I have set forth the following guidelines

November, Thanksgiving break. Players have a game on November 21st
Elite at 10:30 am
Premier 1:00 pm

Elite players game is over at 12:50pm
Premier Players game is over at 4:00 pm

Plan accordingly Flights are extremely busy at this time.
For the Premier players it would be more prudent to go home on that Monday the 22nd Whatever works best for you

All Players must Return on Sunday the 28th

December Christmas Break

We have a showcase The showcase schedule is not out but we expect to be done the evening on December 20th.
Hence players are free to go home on December 21st
Return January 2nd so we have 2 days of practice before our trip to Boston. NO EXCEPTIONS

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